课程题目:Analysis of Large-Scale Assessments with HLM
主讲人:崔迎 教授
崔迎博士,2007年于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得测量、评价与认知方向博士学位,现为加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教育心理学系副教授。她的研究兴趣主要包括大规模测评中个人拟合指标的研发、认知诊断测评的开发与效度验证以及统计建模技术在教育研究中的应用等。崔迎博士目前已在国际著名学术刊物诸如Applied Psychological Measurement、Journal of Educational Measurement、Journal of British Mathematical and Statistical Psychology、Journal of Applied Measurement in Education以及International Journal of Testing上发表近30篇论文,参与编写著作3本。她还担任Applied Psychological Measurement的编委、十四种国际期刊的审稿人以及加拿大阿尔伯塔大学应用测量与评价研究中心的统计顾问。
2018年4月26-27日 13:30-16:30
2018年4月28日 上午8:30-11:30
地点:京师学堂地下一层 第一会议室
The purpose of this workshop is to present students with an introductory background in the basic principles and applications of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) in analyzing data from large-scale assessments. HLM has become increasingly popular and important in educational and psychological research because it allows one to take into account the effects of common contexts shared by people (e.g., students in the same class). The contextual effect is often ignored in traditional methods (e.g., regression), which possibly leads to erroneous conclusions. This workshop starts with a brief review of simple linear regression analysis, followed by an overview of multiple regression models. The focus will be on the discussion of the HLM by reviewing its conceptual and methodological issues and use in the context of large-scale assessments.
请于4月24日中午12:00前发送报名信息(姓名、单位、联系方式+报名参加HLM工作坊)至中心短期课程邮箱 xt_workshop@bnu.edu.cn